Saturday, September 1, 2012

Community Center Meeting and Other News

Today was our big meeting for the community center. It lasted three and a half hours. I was exhausted by the time we were done! Well, maybe even before that! It was good though. We covered a lot of important things -- finanaces, everyone's roles, expectations, etc. We have a big cleaning day on Monday to get ready for classes. There is also a team coming this week to volunteer for multiple things -- one of which is painting and redecorating the community center. We're all really excited for it's new modern look!

I officially begin my ballet classes again this upcoming week along with my new beginner English course for kids. I'm really excited!!! The following week the coffee house will start up and a middle school "girls only" night. I am sooooo excited to give the girls their ballet slippers, leotards and bags! They are going to LOVE it! I'll make sure to video tape it and put it up on my blog. God is so good!

Tonight Rachel and I got to go out for coffee with three of our girl friends. It was good. We are still trying to get the girls acquainted and comfortable with one another before we start the Book study. We are hoping to start that very soon. We are praying that the girls will be receptive to it.

An Albanian friend of ours (who is a believer) was put in jail recently. There is question as to why exactly he is there. I just ask that you pray for him and his family. They are facing a lot of hardships right now.

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