Saturday, September 29, 2012


Somehow I thought that once I got over homesickness it would be gone for good. The past couple of weeks have proven otherwise. It's crazy to see what you'll find yourself missing. Some of the things I used to complain about and I wish I could change I now miss really bad! I'll tell you what, I would give an arm and a leg to walk into a Walmart again! I've never been a big fan of brownies, but now when I get the rare chance to even see brownies I feel giddy. Rachel and I almost had a heart attack in the grocery store the other day when we saw Oreos! I keep walking into the local book store hoping one day, by some miracle, they will have a "Brides" magazine. Before, when I was homesick, I mainly missed people and not things. But now I really miss things. Don't get me wrong! I still really miss family and friends! I just really want a bag of microwave popcorn and a Disney movie!!! (lol)

The hardest part is to not allow myself to get caught up in dreaming about going home and thus lose my focus here. I know when I get home I'll wish I was back here. It's like a constant "homeless" feeling.  I need to keep my eyes and mind on what God wants accomplished I only have about nine weeks left and I have a lot to accomplish in that short time.

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