Wednesday, September 12, 2012

School Supplies.

I just realized that this didn't post this morning. I thought that it went through but I guess it didn't...
Yesterday, we (myself, Rachel, and small team from Tennessee) had the privilege of packaging up school supplies and watching Roma children filled with joy to receive them. A couple in our church dedicates their "free time" to caring for and visiting Roma families in Prishtina. They both work full-time jobs and have such a heart and passion of the poor. They have connections with an organization that donates school supplies every year for families they know are in need. We helped this couple bag up the supplies for each individual child and then we went with them to visit the families and their children. What a wonderful experience...

Bagging the school supplies

What a HUGE blessing...
Don't be mislead by picture -- this little girl was sooo happy to get her bag filled with school supplies! Most people here don't smile for pictures. Her dad was also so happy!

The whole group that came for supplies at the first location

Part of the Roma family's (that I teach English to) yard, where we handed out the bags

The front of their house

The father gets up early in the morning to go through dumpsters to find pop cans to earn a little extra income

Second group of Roma we visited to hand out supplies to

Each kid was so anxious to hear their name called off!

Love this picture!

Grandfather with his special needs granddaughter. There is VERY little support or resources for children with special needs in Kosovo.
Group shot

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