Friday, September 14, 2012

Grand Opening Coffee House!

On Wednesday night we had our Grand Opening Coffee House! We had just finished the redesigning of the community center and wanted to have a kick-off to the new semester. We weren't sure how it would turn out. Over the summer we didn't have much success with the coffee house. This time we put up flyers, told everyone we know, and prayed that God would bring people. We had almost 40 students come throughout the night (university and some high school)! We served free macchiatos and had live music. Everyone had such a good time! Rachel said it was the best coffee house she has ever held at the community center! God is good!
We will have the coffee house every week with intentions to meet new people and develop relationship with them -- that we will be able to invite them to Book studies, Sunday morning worship, and have opportunities to share with them. It's also a chance for them to meet new people and hear about the classes at the community center. Coffee is such a huge part of this culture. I can't fully explain it. It almost represents community and your connection to society. Some people may not have money to go out for coffee often. So this gives them a chance to still be a part of this aspect of their community and receive it freely, without feeling the shame of not having the income to do it. We pray that God continues to bring people from the community and that He opens doors.



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