Tuesday, September 18, 2012


I had coffee with "Esther" last night -- something we do pretty regularly. Once again we got into a conversation about the differences between Christianity and Islam. This time, we focused for a while on prayer. Islam teaches that the people of Allah should pray five times daily. It also teaches that if you wake up early in the morning (somewhere between 1 and 4AM) you will have a better "connection" with God and your prayers are more likely to be heard and answered. I then shared how in Christianity, the HS gives us access to communicating with the Father anyday, anytime, anywhere. Esther also believes that you can pray anytime in any posture. She is not a traditional Muslim and not just in this case. We talked for over a half hour when she said, "All these religions claim to have the truth -- to be the right path. But they cannot all be true. One must be right." I cannot tell you how much she is seeking for the truth! She talked about how when she sees what her fellow Muslims do in the middle east sometimes it makes her want to just give up on what she believes but something in her heart tells her not to let go.

As my brothers and sisters, please pray for her. Pray that the Enemy would have no influence over her life. This battle that we fight is not against flesh and blood. It is against the spirit. The Enemy wants ownership of Esther's spirit and we cannot let him! I need you to partner with me in prayer. Esther is one of the smartest -- most amazing and beautiful -- women I have ever met. She would be a dynamic believer! I continue to pray for her daily and try to be as sensitive to the HS as I can.

1 comment:

  1. Thinking of you today Joy! Praying God's blessing on your time there and for all the lives you are touching!
