Thursday, September 27, 2012

First Women's Book Study!

Tonight Rachel and I had our first Book study in our apartment! We've been anxiously waiting for this for a while! And it finally came! We weren't sure who would be open to coming and studying the Book. In fact, several of the girls we thought were mostly to come didn't come. But we prayed that God would bring the right people and, in faith, we believe He did that.
We first had dinner with them. We served tacos and nachos! Mexican food isn't very common here. In fact, most of them had never had a taco before! Some of them didn't put the lettuce, tomatoes, and cheese on their soft taco but put it on the side because they thought it was for them to make a little salad! Other just didn't know what to do with some of the toppings! :)  It was cute! Rachel picked up some salsa, chips, and taco seasoning in Greece while traveling because they don't sell those things here in Kosovo.
After dinner we had our Book study. We decided to "test the waters" by looking at the first twelve verses of James. We broke the verses up into sections and had questions for each section. There were several times of silence, which is always hard for an American! It was the very first meeting though and the girls are still getting to know each other. Plus, probably for most (if not all) of them it was their first ever Book study. This is not a country over flowing with small groups, youth group, Book studies, and Sunday school. Three girls were Muslim, two were Catholic, and one was a believer.  Overall, I think it went well! There were some good discussions and at one point in time, one girl asked how we (Rachel and I) thought people get to into heaven. God opens amazing doors sometimes!
Please continue to pray that more girls come and that they are open to the truth. Also pray that Rachel and I sensitive to the HS and His leading. 
First ever Book study group! 

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