Friday, August 31, 2012


Yesterday I had the pleasure of visiting Macedonia. My 90 days in Kosovo was up and I had to get out of the country. (lol) So Rachel, Besa and I took a day trip to Skopje, Macedonia. I had heard mixed opinions about the city. Most said it wasn't that great and others said it was OK. I didn't have very high expectations of how nice or fun the city would be. But when we got there I couldn't believe how beautiful it was! Right when we drove in we saw a giant cross up on the hill. We were told that you can hike up the hill to see it. Maybe I'll have the chance to do that another time. The center downtown was so pretty! They had statues of historical figures all around the walking street and white-pillared, buildings. It looked so European! They are in the process of building a bridge lines with statues. It's going to be awesome! They had several other bridges, one of which was golden. In the middle of the center was a HUGE fountain with Alexander the Great on the top, riding a horse. I guess there is a debate in terms of what exact "Macedonia" he was from. Anyways, the fountain was beautiful. There was also a historical castle and a downtown "old shopping area" that was covered with brick streets and little shops. We didn't get to see everything because it was getting late and we still had an hour and a half drive home. But probably the most beautiful thing we got to experience while we were there was....MCDONALDS! (Hahahaha) There are no fast food restaurants in Kosovo and sometimes you just crave some good ol' junk food! It was glorious.
Going on this trip was good in many ways. There is something healthy about being in a new environment, even if it's just for a day. It was also good because I was able to build a better friendship with Besa and great memories with Rachel. We laughed and laughed all day! Sometimes you just need some good laughter!
Tomorrow we have a big meeting for the community center with the entire staff. We are finalizing all of the classes and events for the fall. On a related note, pray that I make the right choice in determining whether I should bring my English classes with the Roma down to once a week and pick up a new class at the community center. I have been trying to discern what "paths" God has opened up for me this summer and how I should best spend my last three and a half months here.
Thank you for all your prayers and encouraging words.
The first thing we saw entering Skopje -- the Cross

MCDONALDS! My sense of humor is a little.....weird. (lol)

Gorgeous arch! Rachel said it looks just like the one in Paris but smaller.

The Macedonian flag

A statue of....a man. (lol) One of many!

The Alexander the Great Fountain!

Better view of the top

Another massive statue

Me, with the museum in the background

The "old shopping center"

The Cross

Small view of Skopje with the castle on the side

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