Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Join Me in Prayer

I sensed the Lord telling me one of the main reasons why I'm here...

I have "connected" with several people here. I have gone out for coffee with friends dozens of times. I've had many interesting and good conversations involving God and religion. I've been praying for each person I've developed relationships with here, asking God to open their hearts to His truth. But, there is one specific girl that God has placed in my life that stands out from all the rest -- like a flower in a desert.

I met "Esther" the first week I got here and hoped that we would form some kind of friendship. She is incredibly sweet and intelligent. She is majoring in English and Architecture. She is so full of life and tenderness. I wish so bad you could meet her! I asked the third week I got here if she would be willing to teach me Albanian. She has been the most amazing teacher! She faithfully meets me, all prepared, two or three times a week. My old roommate and I were invited by her and another friend to travel to Ferzaj for the day way back in June. We later invited her to come with us on a trip to Prizren. I have had so many good laughs and memories with her! She came over to watch "Machine Gun Preacher" with me and my other roommate last week and also came to my little birthday party. Her and family invited me last Sunday to attend their future daughter-in-law's bridal shower. It basically the same as a wedding! Over 150 women attended! I have also been invited to attend the actual wedding this weekend. In short, her and I have developed the friendship I was hoping for.

Time after time, she has started conversations about questions she has about life. After watching "Machine Gun Preacher," she asked me if I thought life here on earth could ever be a place of complete peace and joy. That then transitioned into a conversation about heaven and hell. I was able to talk to her a little bit about grace versus works being the gift to enter eternal life. Another time just the two of us went show shopping for the wedding and she asked me if I ever question who I am. She then opened up about how she doesn't feel like she know who she is anymore. She feels like everyone here is the same -- thinks the same, acts the same. She thinks that if she gets the opprotunity to be in an "unknown" environment, where she doesn't know anyone, then she can then "find" herself. She used me as example of coming here and not knowing the language, the culture or the people. She sees me as being confident in who I am. She hopes that one day she will also be able to be confident in herself. Last night, after my language lesson, she randomly wanted to talk about war and how her religion in the middle east kills others, believing that they will enter paradise for their actions. She doesn't agree with these actions and doesn't understand how someone can so misinterpret the Koran. I am giving just a small, brief overview of these conversations. These are also just a couple of the conversations we've had.

I believe that one of the reasons I am here is for her. God is after her! I may only be a small part of this journey she in on. I ask with all my heart that you join me in praying for her. Please....she needs people interceding for her. The Enemy is in a battel right now trying to keep a hold of her soul. There is power in prayer!

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