Monday, August 6, 2012

Teaching Roma Tomorrow!

Well, I officially begin teaching English to the Roma tomorrow! I'm super excited to begin this new journey. I'm also anxious just because it'll be my first class with them. Trust in the Lord and lean not on your own understanding.

Because things have majorly slowed down this last week, it's been hard to keep motivated. My mom keeps reaffirming me that I'm tired and lethargic because of the three camps I did this summer. She hasn't convinced me yet. But maybe it is good to slow down sometimes. It's hard to tell my brain that. I always want to go, go, go! I want to get things done and accomplished. I hate feeling like I'm wasting time. It probably looks like I'm relaxing but my mind isn't. I have yet to learn the art of finding peace in the "unbusy." I quoted a verse to someone today and found that it was even more true to own life: Be still and know that I am God.

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