Saturday, August 18, 2012

Getting Ready for Bijram

I have been feeling better the past couple of days but still not the greatest. I was able to teach my lesson with the Roma yesterday. Because of Bijram (which starts Sunday), everyone was pretty distracted. They had extended family that came to visit and the women were all busy cooking in the kitchen. A couple of the girls couldn't come to the lesson because they were helping their mom prepare for Sunday. Two of their extended cousins joined the lesson, probably to get away from all the craziness that was going on in the house! I'm definitely going to go over that lesson again next week when things are not as busy for everyone.

Rachel and I have been visiting different paint and home interior stores because we are planning to re-do the community center. It's in need something new and modern! There is a team of men coming at the beginning of the September to help with repairing and painting the community center. Rachel, who is the director of the community center, has to decide on paint colors before they get here. We have different views on what color combinations we think looks best. But she's the director. So ultimately it's her call. I'm sure it will all turn out awesome!

Tomorrow I will go to the Roma's house again to join them in their big feast for Bijram. I'm excited that I get to further develop my relationship with them, and thus build more trust and credibility with them. However, I'm sad that I won't be able to have coffee with friends until Wednesday. During Bijram, everyone visits family and has family over. It's kind of like Thanksgiving for us but it lasts three days.

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