Sunday, September 30, 2012

Sunday School.

Our translator was sick today and so it was just Rachel and I doing Sunday school today. At first I was a little nervous if they would be able to understand us.  A couple of the older girls understand English pretty well and so we were hoping they would come today. And two did come! They were a nice help!

It felt so good for it to be just us and the kids. We sat around in a circle and showed big pictures of the previous stories we have gone over thus far (Adam and Eve, Noah, Tower of Babel, and Abraham). We had the children tell us the stories to see what they could remember. We also played a "camel" game and sang songs. It was great!

Saturday, September 29, 2012


Somehow I thought that once I got over homesickness it would be gone for good. The past couple of weeks have proven otherwise. It's crazy to see what you'll find yourself missing. Some of the things I used to complain about and I wish I could change I now miss really bad! I'll tell you what, I would give an arm and a leg to walk into a Walmart again! I've never been a big fan of brownies, but now when I get the rare chance to even see brownies I feel giddy. Rachel and I almost had a heart attack in the grocery store the other day when we saw Oreos! I keep walking into the local book store hoping one day, by some miracle, they will have a "Brides" magazine. Before, when I was homesick, I mainly missed people and not things. But now I really miss things. Don't get me wrong! I still really miss family and friends! I just really want a bag of microwave popcorn and a Disney movie!!! (lol)

The hardest part is to not allow myself to get caught up in dreaming about going home and thus lose my focus here. I know when I get home I'll wish I was back here. It's like a constant "homeless" feeling.  I need to keep my eyes and mind on what God wants accomplished I only have about nine weeks left and I have a lot to accomplish in that short time.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

First Women's Book Study!

Tonight Rachel and I had our first Book study in our apartment! We've been anxiously waiting for this for a while! And it finally came! We weren't sure who would be open to coming and studying the Book. In fact, several of the girls we thought were mostly to come didn't come. But we prayed that God would bring the right people and, in faith, we believe He did that.
We first had dinner with them. We served tacos and nachos! Mexican food isn't very common here. In fact, most of them had never had a taco before! Some of them didn't put the lettuce, tomatoes, and cheese on their soft taco but put it on the side because they thought it was for them to make a little salad! Other just didn't know what to do with some of the toppings! :)  It was cute! Rachel picked up some salsa, chips, and taco seasoning in Greece while traveling because they don't sell those things here in Kosovo.
After dinner we had our Book study. We decided to "test the waters" by looking at the first twelve verses of James. We broke the verses up into sections and had questions for each section. There were several times of silence, which is always hard for an American! It was the very first meeting though and the girls are still getting to know each other. Plus, probably for most (if not all) of them it was their first ever Book study. This is not a country over flowing with small groups, youth group, Book studies, and Sunday school. Three girls were Muslim, two were Catholic, and one was a believer.  Overall, I think it went well! There were some good discussions and at one point in time, one girl asked how we (Rachel and I) thought people get to into heaven. God opens amazing doors sometimes!
Please continue to pray that more girls come and that they are open to the truth. Also pray that Rachel and I sensitive to the HS and His leading. 
First ever Book study group! 

Friday, September 21, 2012

Full Classes!

I had ballet once again on Wednesday. Dozens of girls from around the neighborhood heard about the classes and showed up to register. Unfortunately, both of my classes are already full (24 girls total). I wish so bad the community center was bigger so that my classes could be bigger! I've also run of out ballet shoes that fit the girls. Apparently girls have bigger feet here. Several of the girls are sharing their shoes with another girl in the second class. I don't have a solution as of right now. A few parents showed up as well. Some came to sign their daughter up and others came wondering why their child couldn't join. I felt terrible. I couldn't personally talk with them because I was in the middle of trying to teach my class.  The twenty or more people outside talking and some banging on the windows was distracting the girls (and myself). It was a little chaotic. I might be able to hold a third class but even then I would still have to turn many down.

On Thursday I had my English class. A had a few more students sign up and join. I had to draw the line at 21 because the room is getting too full. I love that class so much! There is something about working with children that fills my spirit! It's usually a little more stressful but it's so worth it! Ganja (my translator) told me after class that she is so grateful that I have classes for kids because before they had nothing for children. I am also grateful that God has placed a passion in me for kids and has provided ways for me to teach English and ballet. The praise goes to Him.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


I had coffee with "Esther" last night -- something we do pretty regularly. Once again we got into a conversation about the differences between Christianity and Islam. This time, we focused for a while on prayer. Islam teaches that the people of Allah should pray five times daily. It also teaches that if you wake up early in the morning (somewhere between 1 and 4AM) you will have a better "connection" with God and your prayers are more likely to be heard and answered. I then shared how in Christianity, the HS gives us access to communicating with the Father anyday, anytime, anywhere. Esther also believes that you can pray anytime in any posture. She is not a traditional Muslim and not just in this case. We talked for over a half hour when she said, "All these religions claim to have the truth -- to be the right path. But they cannot all be true. One must be right." I cannot tell you how much she is seeking for the truth! She talked about how when she sees what her fellow Muslims do in the middle east sometimes it makes her want to just give up on what she believes but something in her heart tells her not to let go.

As my brothers and sisters, please pray for her. Pray that the Enemy would have no influence over her life. This battle that we fight is not against flesh and blood. It is against the spirit. The Enemy wants ownership of Esther's spirit and we cannot let him! I need you to partner with me in prayer. Esther is one of the smartest -- most amazing and beautiful -- women I have ever met. She would be a dynamic believer! I continue to pray for her daily and try to be as sensitive to the HS as I can.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Anxiety. Pray.

There is a lot on my mind tonight.

Rachel is gone for about five days, which gives me a little time to myself. It came at a really good time. I miss having her around, but this way I can gain some focus...hopefully.  I've been battling a lot of anxiety and worry for two or three weeks now. Every night I have bad dreams of going home. The scenario is always different. Sometimes I go home early and realize I didn't get to say good-bye to anyone. Other times I go home and no one notices I'm even there. I don't understand why I have these dreams so often. I keep praying that God will take them away. I'm not sure what they mean, or if they even mean anything. My dreams often affect my mood and can change the course of my thoughts. I've been thinking a lot lately about going home and what it will be like. I fear that if I don't get focused on the present soon, time will fly and I will look back in regret at all the things I did and should have done. I only have three months left, which seems like only a couple weeks. (I feel anxiety even as I type all this) I really need to get my head back in the game. I have so much I still want to do and be a part of. I want to continue to invest in Esther's life and share with those God has put in my life here. I pray that these five days help bring me back to where I need to be.

I go to meet that family with the 13 children again tomorrow. (I think I had said in early posts that she had 14. Oops.) Violeta, the lady that knows them, is going to go with me and talk with them about me coming over once a week. I really desire to help this family with whatever needs they have (which is a lot). I might help some of the kids with their homework, read stories to them, help the mom cook, etc. I hope it all works out tomorrow and they gladly receive me.

If you think of it, please pray for our team. Pray for unity, good communication, peace, and mercy. Especially pray for Rachel, who is also facing forms of anxiety.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Grand Opening Coffee House!

On Wednesday night we had our Grand Opening Coffee House! We had just finished the redesigning of the community center and wanted to have a kick-off to the new semester. We weren't sure how it would turn out. Over the summer we didn't have much success with the coffee house. This time we put up flyers, told everyone we know, and prayed that God would bring people. We had almost 40 students come throughout the night (university and some high school)! We served free macchiatos and had live music. Everyone had such a good time! Rachel said it was the best coffee house she has ever held at the community center! God is good!
We will have the coffee house every week with intentions to meet new people and develop relationship with them -- that we will be able to invite them to Book studies, Sunday morning worship, and have opportunities to share with them. It's also a chance for them to meet new people and hear about the classes at the community center. Coffee is such a huge part of this culture. I can't fully explain it. It almost represents community and your connection to society. Some people may not have money to go out for coffee often. So this gives them a chance to still be a part of this aspect of their community and receive it freely, without feeling the shame of not having the income to do it. We pray that God continues to bring people from the community and that He opens doors.



Wednesday, September 12, 2012

School Supplies.

I just realized that this didn't post this morning. I thought that it went through but I guess it didn't...
Yesterday, we (myself, Rachel, and small team from Tennessee) had the privilege of packaging up school supplies and watching Roma children filled with joy to receive them. A couple in our church dedicates their "free time" to caring for and visiting Roma families in Prishtina. They both work full-time jobs and have such a heart and passion of the poor. They have connections with an organization that donates school supplies every year for families they know are in need. We helped this couple bag up the supplies for each individual child and then we went with them to visit the families and their children. What a wonderful experience...

Bagging the school supplies

What a HUGE blessing...
Don't be mislead by picture -- this little girl was sooo happy to get her bag filled with school supplies! Most people here don't smile for pictures. Her dad was also so happy!

The whole group that came for supplies at the first location

Part of the Roma family's (that I teach English to) yard, where we handed out the bags

The front of their house

The father gets up early in the morning to go through dumpsters to find pop cans to earn a little extra income

Second group of Roma we visited to hand out supplies to

Each kid was so anxious to hear their name called off!

Love this picture!

Grandfather with his special needs granddaughter. There is VERY little support or resources for children with special needs in Kosovo.
Group shot

Monday, September 10, 2012


Sorry friends that I haven't been posting anything the past three days or so. It's been really busy here. We have a team here from Tennessee that is helping us paint and fix up the community center and also distribute school supplies, among other things. We worked 11 hours today! I have pictures I will post up tomorrow to show you all the improvements we've made on redesigning the center. It looks GREAT!

Keep me in your prayers as I seek the Lord and try to represent Him in all I do.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Ballet Begins Once Again!

Yesterday was registration for my two ballet classes. The first class/registration time was at 4PM (for 6-9 year old girls) and the second class/registration was at 5PM (for 10-12 year old girls).This culture tends to be more laid back about time. Those of you who have lived over seas might relate to this. During day camp this summer, the majority of the kids didn't come until the third or fourth day. The best advertisement comes through word of mouth. I could put up flyers all day long, but until people start telling their friends, few will actually show up. Because life revolves more around who you know rather than what you know, a flyer only goes so far. I've been learning this the hard way. The turn out yesterday was good! It wasn't exactly how I had expected, but that's life! Over the summer about ten girls came to the first class but by the second class it had doubled! The word has already gotten around about the classes and next week we expect at least a dozen more. 

I passed out the leotards, shoes, and skirts at the registration. My plan was that they would sign up for the class, get sized, hear information about the class, take home their letter to their parents, and write a "Thank You" letter to Fort Wayne Ballet. That way, we could just start class right away next week. But my "mental clock" was back in America. Things take more time here. I probably should have waited another week to give the girls their things. But I was too excited!!! I'll have to take time next to go over the same procedure for the new girls. 

The girls that did come loved the shoes, leotards, and skirts! They all looked so cute! I put a big sheet over all the things we laid out on the ground. When they came I told them how generous Fort Wayne Ballet was and then I unveiled the surprise! They all smiled and appalled! Three of them were sisters. They have kind of a sad story. Their are four children in their family and their mom stayed at home with them (like most mothers do here). But one day their dad just got up and left. Their mom now works a full-time job and doesn't get to be with the kids very much. I'm so happy they get to be in my class and be blessed in a small way. 

Skirts, leotards, and shoes all lined up! 

Ballet slippers!

Macy looked soooo cute in her leotard and skirt! She loved it!

Me and some of my little dancers! 

The girls made cute little "Thank You" cards for Fort Wayne Ballet

Anida and I  :)

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Monday, September 3, 2012

Fall Semester Officially Starts!

Today is the kick off of the fall semester! Everyone started school today and the community center is up and running again! Rachel and I walked around the many apartment buildings around the community center and hung up flyers for my two ballet classes and beginners /English for kids. We saw dozens of kids running around playing. We stopped and talked with several different groups, telling them about my classes starting in a couple of days. I love kids so much! It got me all excited for this semester and what God is going to do!
Tomorrow we have another staff meeting and our big cleaning day at the community center. I am so excited for the following day when I have my first ballet class for the fall and get to give the girls their ballet shoes and leotards! We decided that, instead sending the things home with the girls, we would put their names on their leotards, skirts, and shoes and leave them at the center. My supervisor fears that they will take the stuff and never come back. We really want girls who are dedicated to coming to be the ones to get the shoes and outfits. I can only hold 12 girls a class and I'm sure I will have more than 24 girls sign up. What we'll do is have a waiting list and if a girl misses more than two or three classes, we will have another girl take her place. I will be sending home a letter to all the parents informing them of how we will run things. I also want the parents to know who I am and feel free to contact me or introduce themselves.
Hanging up flyers for my ballet and English classes!


Sunday, September 2, 2012

Tough Day

Today was challenging on a number of levels. Most things here are pretty unpredictable. Each day is an adventure! However, one thing that is consistent here are the culture differences or even cultural conflict. Some things are just bound to happen when two cultures try to live with one another. It's never easy. Feelings tend to get hurt, especially among believers. Right when I think I have "mercy" down, God stretches me a little further. And He always gives the strength to do it.
Another challenge today was delivering school supplies to different poor families in the area. Rachel's church donated money for us to buy school supplies for underprivileged families. The first family we visited was Serbian. They have four children, all of which are in school. They live in a village outside the city. They have a little house (in need of many repairs), a small garden, and some animals out back. A couple of their pigs got loose and the mother was chasing them with a stick to get them back inside the fence! She was such a sweet, sweet woman. She gave us plums, peppers, and tomatoes from her garden as a gift. On top of giving them school supplies, we gave them clothes and shoes were also donated.
The second family was one of the poorest families I have ever met. The mother had 14 children! All of them were were about a year a part in age, the youngest being 6 months. One entire wall of their house was missing, exposing the inside of their home. I don't know what they are going to do in the winter time to keep the cold air out. There were flies and trash everywhere. We had to enter through the garage to get to their house, which had a broken down van inside and smelled of urine. Her children were so beautiful! Most of them had thick, curly had and wore mixed-match boys and girls clothes. They were so quiet and sweet. The mother was so grateful for the backpacks and school supplies. They start school tomorrow. I walked out, asking God how I can better help them. Sometimes our help, if not appropriately done, can make things worse. I am praying that the HS will show me what their biggest needs are and how I can help meet those needs while I am here.

Mother of 14 children, not all were present

Serbian family, just the two daughters are present in the photo.
Left to Right: Violeta (works with different Roma groups), two Serbian daughters (Ahh! I can't remember their names right now!), me, and Rachel

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Community Center Meeting and Other News

Today was our big meeting for the community center. It lasted three and a half hours. I was exhausted by the time we were done! Well, maybe even before that! It was good though. We covered a lot of important things -- finanaces, everyone's roles, expectations, etc. We have a big cleaning day on Monday to get ready for classes. There is also a team coming this week to volunteer for multiple things -- one of which is painting and redecorating the community center. We're all really excited for it's new modern look!

I officially begin my ballet classes again this upcoming week along with my new beginner English course for kids. I'm really excited!!! The following week the coffee house will start up and a middle school "girls only" night. I am sooooo excited to give the girls their ballet slippers, leotards and bags! They are going to LOVE it! I'll make sure to video tape it and put it up on my blog. God is so good!

Tonight Rachel and I got to go out for coffee with three of our girl friends. It was good. We are still trying to get the girls acquainted and comfortable with one another before we start the Book study. We are hoping to start that very soon. We are praying that the girls will be receptive to it.

An Albanian friend of ours (who is a believer) was put in jail recently. There is question as to why exactly he is there. I just ask that you pray for him and his family. They are facing a lot of hardships right now.