Monday, July 2, 2012

Sunday School

We are beginning a new week! Everyone is back into the regular weekly routine. I have my two ballet classes on Wednesday, our English class on Thursday, coffee house on Friday and church on Sunday. One new thing that we started yesterday was Sunday School for kids. Every child was given a permission slip for their parents to sign. I'm no entirely sure what the law states, but I have been told that it is illegal for someone to share or proselytize to children under 18. We will mainly be teaching about the Old Testament in our class. Yesterday we talked about the Fall of Man. Hannah, Rachel, Travis and I acted out the story in the Garden of Eden. I was Eve, Hannah was Adam, Rachel was the snake, and Travis was the narrator and God. I was really excited to draw a mustache on Hannah! Hahaha. We brought a plant from our apartment to be the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil and we stopped by the market to buy pears to represent the fruit. I also created a pretty scary looking snake out of a thick rope and red foam. The children all seemed to like our little drama. Most of them have heard the story before. Islam shares a lot of our Old Testament stories. After our drama, we allowed the kids to come up and act it out. I think they enjoyed this more! We had about 16 kids total that came. Next week we will talk about Noah and the Art.

I've been restling with this idea of how to share with the kids here. It's been a discussion I've had with several different people this past week. There is a large percentage of people in Kosova under the age of 18 and my soul is troubled to think of that percentage being ellimated from my "sharing circle." Again, talking about God in general or Old Testament stories is completely acceptable. It's anything beyond that that isn't OK. I continue to seek the Lord for direction and wisdom in this matter. It's been on my heart a lot.

A group shot from day camp (not all the kids were present)

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