Wednesday, July 4, 2012

New Opprotunities

Hey Friends!

Sorry for not writing on my blog lately. We have ran into several "bumps" the past several days. Our electricity has gone out three times and our water twice in the past forty-eight hours. Our internet also hasn't been working for the past three days. It's been a little tricky to do things without electricity or sometimes water. But we've been getting by just fine! :) It seems like this is a pretty normal problem here. I was in a grocery store a few weeks back and the power went out about three times in a 45 minute period. Anyways, I was able to get a hold of an internet source for just a little bit and wanted to make sure I got to write to you all!

God opened a new door for me this week! Hannah, one of my roommates, will be teaching English to the Roma (Gypsies) twice a week until the beginning of August. I was asked if I would continue teaching them after she leaves, which I gladly accepted. The classes will be held in one of their little communities about ten or fifteen minutes from our apartment. The majority of the students will be high school girls. We are both excited and anxious about this awesome opportunity! Be in prayer for Hannah, who only has a limited experience in teaching. Her and I have been working on lesson plans together. I have full confidence that she will do just fine! :)  Tomorrow her and I will have our English class at Oaza and I will leave for Leadership Camp in just a few days. Pray, pray, pray for these students -- that God would open their hearts and minds to His truth.

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