Wednesday, July 25, 2012

I'm Back!!!

I am OFFICIALLy back in Prishtina! And that means I also have internet back too! Whoo-hoo! I have so much to share! I am just amazed at all that God has done! What an incredible two and a half weeks! I will talk about each camp in seperate posts along with some pictures.

I was able to call my mom a couple of days ago and she informed me that College Park is having a rumage sale this weekend and is donating all the proceeds to my work here! Wow. I am speechless. "Thank you" does not cut it. I cannot express in words how extremely blessed I feel to have such an amazing family in God. It is my prayer that you are blessed just as much as you have blessed me.  Thank you so much for partnering with me in what God is doing in Kosova.

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