Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Flash Back to Day Camp

Here's another little clip from my summer! This is from day camp, back in June. I had talked about how God gave me the song, "Your Light Will Shine," to teach the kids and how it has become a prayer for me.  This video is of the kids singing and dancing to that song! This isn't  from the official,  little program we did for the parents. This video is from the day before when did we a run-through of all the songs. The sound isn't super good because we had some issues with the CD player,
but everything else is fine.

It was really good to watch this video again and be reminded of the great things God has done this summer. We had such a wonderful group of children come to our day camp! It has opened up doors for us to build relationships with the kids and invite them to Sunday School. Last Sunday, we had fourteen kids! Some weeks we have had even more. Many of the kids in this video are ones that consistently come to Sunday School and other activities at the community center. Enjoy, friends!

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