Monday, July 16, 2012

Liplyan Camp

So, it turns out that it's not VBS that I am helping with. It's an English camp! I am still really pumped about everything though! I get to teach three groups of about 16 kids each day. The camp goes from 9am-12pm and then in the afternoons we get to visit the kids' families. Albanians are so hospitable! There are volunteers from all over the States and also from Cananda that came to help with this camp. The team is amazing! Our team is about 18 people -- 8 of which are four couples who are in their late fifties or older. I cannot tell you how much I have grown to respect them. It's amazing to think that they are half way across the world serving God and do it inspite of their age. They have been so encouraging and wise. I am so blessed. I have lots to tell but I am in an "internet cafe" where I am being charged per minute that I am on. I unfortunately do not have internet at my host home. But I will try to write as often as I can! Love you all!

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