Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Leadership Camp!

Leadership Camp was amazing to say the least. I came in with the attitude that I was going to pour every drop I had into the students. But in the end, I think I was the one who walked out more renewed and filled.  God's timing is so perfect. That has been a constant theme the past three weeks.

The camp was located in Rugove, Kosova. So beautiful! The place we stayed at was a restaurant and camp.  All together there were about forty-five of us. Students were broken up into six different small groups. Each of them were given a team color. Travis and I were the leaders for the green team. The purpose of the camp was to teach and illustrate servant leadership, something very contrary to the culture here. The theme of the week was entitled, "Thriving in the Information Age." They had an amzing guest speaker. Everyday students had the chance to hear two lectures and ask questions. Following the lectures were small groups times where they could ask further questions and then take part in a team building exercise or activity. These tied in with the lecture. They dealt with issues such as communication, serving, listening, synergism or respect. In the evenings we had fun group games that were usually silly or crazy. One night we had different food competitions. Another night we did "Minute to Win It" and another night we had a dance competition, which my team of course won! :)

This camp so good for my soul. This was the first time since I got here that I really felt myself. The culture here tends to not be as loud, especially in public. I've really had to work at not laughing as obnoxiously loud as I usually do or just talking as loud in general. That's been a challenge for me. When I got up to Rugove, I forgot how fun and crazy camp can be, which then reminded me how perfect of an environment it would be to be loud! I cannot tell you how much I screamed and laughed as loud as I wanted! I had a sore throat by the end of the week! It was so awesome! I was also able to develop some great relationships with students that are going to college in Prishtina, where I'm living. We all exchanged numbers and will be having coffee soon. I was sad to see the week come to an end though.

On Wednesday we all took the "big hike" up the mountain to a small but beautiful lake, where we had lunch and relaxed. It was so incredibly beautiful! I had to chance to just stop and marvel at God's creativity and beauty. It was too wonderful to take in. To see such huge mountains and know they have a creator, reminded me of God's indescribable power. I wish you could have all been there. It was a long hike though! I didn't think I was going to make it for a little while! It took about two hours to get to the top.

Thank you so much for your prayers! The week was truly a success! I'm sure I'll think of more to share later!

 The whole gang! (staff, students and translators)

Our view everyday. So beautiful!

The Green Team!

Great view on the hike!

The lake we had lunch at while on the hike

Traditional Albanian dancing

Lecture time

One of the many team building activities: "trust walk"

Mustaches!!! :)


The sun setting in the mountains

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