Friday, June 29, 2012

Last Day of Day Camp

Well, day camp has officially come to a close. It's been such an awesome week! For our final day, we had an estimate of 70 kids plus some of their parents. They all lined up on the basketball court and sang and danced three songs for their parents, including "Light Will Shine." Afterwards we served cookies and juice to everyone. The kids went crazy! We had no success with trying to form a line! Hahaha. (see picture below)

Having day camp come to a close is a bittersweet feeling. I was reminded how much joy I experience when surrounded by little guys :)  I loved watching them sing words filled with such truth and power. I will miss that more anything. It was difficult to think that my time with some of them may be over but I was comforted in knowing that I will see many of the girls in my ballet classes next week. It was also a tiring week. So in that sense I am looking forward to getting more rest! :)  God has been so good to give me the honor of teaching these children and allowing me to be a part of a small portion of their summer.

Ledership Camp is coming up real soon! July 9th - 13th! I will be up in the mountains and will not have access to the internet during that time. But I will update you as soon as I can once I get back! Please be in prayer for all of the staff and students, that God's Will will be done.

Thank you for praying for my allergies and asthma. I have been feeling and breathing much better the past couple of days!

One my favorite little boys :)

Singing and dancing for the parents

The kids went crazy over the cookies and juice!

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