Sunday, June 24, 2012

Night Before Day Camp

Day camp officially starts tomorrow! I'm excited but also nervous. I have been working on creating fun motions to the song "Light Will Shine" by Hillsong United for the kids to do. I haven't been able to finish the whole song just yet. Chances are we will only through part of the song tomorrow anyways. At the end of the week they will sing it to their parents. I have never come up with original arm motions to a song before. This is definitely a first for me! I hope if turns out cool for the kids. I also found a new and "hip" version of "Father Abraham." I have been told that they have done this song before. I'm excited to see what they think of this new revised one!

It is going to be good, long week. During the day will have the camp for kids and in the evenings we will have a coffee house for young adults, where we will have special themes and games each night. Hannah and I will continue our English class on Thursday and I will have both ballet classes on Wednesday. It's going to so crazy but so good!

Pictures of the camp are soon to come!

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