Monday, June 25, 2012

First Day of Day Camp!

Wow! What a great first day! We had about 45 kids attend day camp today! The staff here said that the group will grow each day. We split the them up into three groups and rotated them every 40 minutes. At my station we sang "Father Abraham," "The Hokey Pokey" and "Light Will Shine." I was a little worried that the boys wouldn't dance with the rest of the group and would think it was dumb. But they all joined in and had a blast! I never heard or saw one complaint! My volunteer and I also taught them a clap game called Bull Frog.

I wanted to find a deeper song to teach the kids than just how "put your right hand in and shake it all about." So I went on iTunes and found "Light Will Shine" by Hillsong United. I originally I just liked the beat and I knew I could come up with simple motions to the words. But last night I was listening to the words more and realized how perfect the song is for this place and time. The lyrics say:

We are devoted!
We are devoted to You!
Your light will shine in the darkness!
Your light will shine in the dark, in the dark!
We are Yours!
It's Your love!
Your love!

God couldn't have picked a better song! The rest of the lyrics are awesome as well! I have been using this song as a prayer. It is my heart's desire that God's light will shine in this city and in this country. It is with faith that I believe His light can shine in the darkest of places. It was also my desire and prayer that these kids would one day be fully devoted to God!

My kids learning the motions to "Light Will Shine"

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