Tuesday, June 19, 2012

First ballet class and more!

I had my first ballet class last week and what at success it was! I had fourteen girls that I taught and another ten that watched. Because the number was so high and the room being a little small, I split the group into two classes for this week. I absolutely LOVED this part of my job! They all seemed to really enjoy it! It is my prayer that, even though I may not develop an outside relationship with these young girls, I show them a love that only comes from God.

After a week of being by myself in the apartment, I now have two new wonderful roommates! It has been such a blessing to have them here! I didn't realize how much I would miss the little things when I was by myself -- eating at the table with others, sharing things about my day with someone, etc. The three of us have already become really good friends! God is good! That saying never gets old!

Hannah, one of my roommates, and I are starting an English class for adults this Thursday at Oaza, a community center here. We are both really excited and anxious to see what God does!

I have been able to further develop some wonderful relationship these past couple of weeks. Hannah and I were invited to join a couple ladies on a trip to visit a friend's hometown, Ferizaj. One of the things it's known for is a mosque and an Orthodox church are right next to each other (literally within fifteen feet). I wish I could have gotten a picture! We were invited to one of the girl's home there, were we were served Turkish coffee and homemade deserts. Albanians are so good at hospitality! We had some really good conversations with the women and did a lot of laughing!

Next week, we will have a day camp ("World Changers") for children ages 7 to 13. We have a lot of planning and prepping to do this week! There is a small team coming from Texas to join us. Their help will be much appreciated. I have heard that last year there were over a hundred kids that came.

Also, from July 7th - 13th I will helping with a Leadership Camp for young adults. This is a major event that staff have been preparing for for many months now. Students had to apply and be interviewed to be accepted. The topics revolve around how to be servant leader and go against the currant of society as a leader. The camp will be held in the mountains near Peja. It heard it's beautiful there!

Your prayers are always coveted.

First ballet class!

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