Monday, November 5, 2012

The Beauty of Ohrid (part 2)

It was so hard coming home today!
 I really needed this trip. I got to sit along side the water yesterday and today and pray and journal for a while. It was the first time in a while that my soul felt some peace. There's something about the water that gives my heart rest. I was in awe this weekend of God's beauty and creativity. Just walking around the city and taking our time was relaxing. We had such a good time! We laughed so much! I kept thanking the Lord for providing this trip. It came at such a good time. We got back safely of course and ready for another full week. 
I wanted to get a picture that showed how clear the water was

St. John's Church

The archaeological site that surrounded St. Pantelejmon's Church -- a.k.a. the one I fell in!

St. Pantelejmon's Church (side view)

"The Castle"

Me and "The Castle!"

View of Lake Ohrid (opposite side from one before)

The Macedonian flag

Inside the city

Rachel and I at the old theatre

St. Sophia's Church

It was such a perfect, beautiful day!

The city had several large statues of former saints

St. Clement holding the city in his arms

The pier, as the sun is setting

After the sun set. So pretty!

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