Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Great Two Days.

It's been a great past two days! They've been really busy and also really rewarding!
Yesterday I was feeling really tired, probably from all the traveling we did the day before. We had our team meeting and afterwards all I wanted to do was sleep. But I had promised the Roma that I would come visit them. I kept telling myself that I don't have much time left with them and I need to use the most of every opportunity. So, I pulled myself out of my apartment and got on the bus to head to the north part of the city. I brought some chocolate to pass around and I burned the teenage girls a CD of "good" music -- music that carries a good message.  (I really hope they like it.) We sat in their living room (the only room with heat), drinking tea and laughing. I made a comment about a clock on the wall being pretty because it was covered in glitter and had "calligraphy" on it. I was pretty sure it was a Muslim decoration of some kind. And, lone and behold, it was. It was supposed to look like a page of the Koran I guess. This one comment lead us into an hour discussion about God, Islam, prayer, death, and heaven. One of the girls even walked me through a step-by-step process of the prayers they are supposed to do five times each day. There are different postures and sayings that follow a certain order.  Because of their lack of English fluency and my lack of Albanian, they had a hard time translating a lot of it. The same daughter who showed me how a correct prayer is done also told me how one gets to heaven, or at least things that will give someone a higher chance of getting to heaven. I haven't met one Muslim yet that has told me there is complete assurance in heaven for anyone. While she talked, and others in the family, I prayed. I told myself I wouldn't share unless they gave me an invitation. And they did. After the daughter shared what Muslims believe about heaven and hell, she said, "Christians think the same thing, right Joy?" It was then I was able to walk them through The Story -- the story that can change their lives. The whole family was there, except the teenage son. At certain points the daughter and her aunt jumped in to assure me that certain facts were not true. I still continued and affirmed that I believe without a shadow of a doubt that they are true. Some where along the way, someone has told them that The Book is not valid because it has changed throughout the years but the Koran has not. This is the first time I've heard someone  use this as their defense. Interesting. I continued to pray in head as I listened and spoke. The mom got upset at her daughter that she said that only Muslims will enter heaven. She believes that a "good heart" gets a person into paradise. Please, please join me in prayer. It was very much worth the trip. After that I went straight into Coffee House at the community center, which went well. It's been growing lately!
Today I had my ballet classes. This was the first time we tried a new time and the turn out was great! The girls have been learning their very first dance! I am going to host a little recital for the parents so that they can see what their daughters have learned this semester. I'm really excited. After that, I went to visit the family with thirteen kids. I brought coloring books and crayons for me and the kids to do together. I was really surprised that the boys got more into it than the girls! I also helped one of the boys with his English homework and then played with the baby, who has been sick for a while now. It's just been a really good two days! I feel very blessed lately. 
Rachel and I on our way home from Macedonia

The trees were so beautiful!

I set a timer on my camera. One time I hit the button and ran and the wind was blowing so hard I was trying to fix my scarf before the camera went off. Fail. (lol)

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