Sunday, November 4, 2012

The Beauty of Ohrid (part 1)

Macedonia has been wonderful! I'm so glad we came! The weather has been perfect! Next week it's supposed to be colder and rainy. We came in yesterday and walked around for a little bit and had dinner on the water. We got up early this morning for a day of adventure! We tried to find a church to visit this morning but had no luck. So we read some of the scriptures together in our room. I really wanted to see some of the historical churches in the area. Ohrid once had 365 churches, one for each day of the year. It has been known as the "Jerusalem of the Balkans." We had made a list of the churches we wanted to visit but had no idea how we were going to find them! We walked out to the water and saw an elderly man in a "taxi boat" and asked him if he knew and, sure enough, we gives tours out on the water and then drops them off at a trail that leads to several of the churches and a castle. Or at least that's what we figured out through non-verbal communication and eventurally him dropping us off on the side of mountain. (lol) He didn't know hardly any English. So, 10 Euros later we were out of the water looking at the beautiful city of Ohrid! The city is truly gorgeous. These pictures don't give it near enough justice. More info and pictures to come! 
A cross greeted us soon after we crossed the Macedonian boarder

Welcome to Ohrid, Macedonia!

View from the taxi boat
It kind of reminds me of Greece or Italy
Me and my roomie, Rachel
Cloud-covered mountains in the distance. Beautiful.

St. John's Church up ahead!

St. John's Church, one of the many historical churches and monasteries in the city

Me and Lake Ohrid :)

So beautiful!!!

Closer shot of the city

Me and Lake Ohrid...again!

St. Pantelejmon's Church, made in the 9th century by St. Clement (back view)

One of the towers (love this angle!)

St. Pantelejmon's Church (front view), surrounded by a beautiful archaeological sight covered in a strategically placed fence, of which I broke and feel into getting this very photo! (lol) I didn't do it on purpose of course. I just so happened to take a step in the wrong direction and fell into a deep hole. I was dangling on the edge hanging onto the fence for dear life! My roommate came running over to help me. Everything ended up being OK, expect for my banged up foot and....possibly the fence. (Haha)
My foot, before all the bruises come tomorrow. Note-to-self: Don't fall into the next archaeological sight you visit! (lol)

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