Friday, November 16, 2012

Exciting Weekend!

Two really exciting things are happening this weekend! One, I get to direct the music and games at the S.O.S. orphanage here in Prishtina tomorrow with a team of Albanian college students from a leadership class.  I had mentioned this great opportunity several blogs ago. It got canceled last month because of Bajram. This leadership class is trying to do a service project once a month and I was asked to help due to my experience with children. I'm super excited! I get to spend three hours helping plant seeds in the future leaders of this country. I'm praying everything goes smoothly!

The second is that I get to go visit Albania with a my best friend here, Esther! She's been wanting me to visit Albania ever since I met her! I'm really excited not just because I get to see another country but because I get to spend one-on-one time with her before I go home. I was hoping this trip would work out and it did! Thank you, Lord! Please, please be praying for us -- not just for safety but also for the presence of God to be with us, in every conversation.

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