Saturday, October 6, 2012

Meet the Family!

Today I visited the family with thirteen children after my English lesson with the Roma. I'm trying to visit them at least once a week.
My goal tonight was to learn all the names of the thirteen kids. I brought my camera so that I could take a picture of each child. I thought maybe a picture with the name would help instead of just the name. Her kids are so cute! Sometimes it was a little hard to tell between the boys and the girls because almost all of them have short hair. I felt a little embarrassed but I had to ask. (I put a "B" or "G" next to their age.) Their family was so nice and friendly to me. I am just amazed how strong the mother is! She is 34 with thirteen children and an unemployed husband and still has her spirits high! I look forward to further developing our friendship.
My Albanian friend was supposed to come with me tonight but it didn't work out. The mom  (Bahria) kept trying to find someone to come over to translate for us. My Albanian isn't very good, to say the least. It's such a difficult language to learn.  A neighbor came for a few minutes and then another neighbor joined. Finally they called a cousin, who is studying English, to come over. Eventually we could talk to each other! (lol) God always provides! :)
Hope you enjoy the pictures!
Denisi (8 months - B)

Eliza (1 - G)

Zeqir (3 - B)

Deniza (4 - G)
Dafina (5 - G)
Donika (8 - G)
Florenti (9 - B)

Burimi (10 - B)

Diellza (11 - G)

Afrimi (13 - B)

Gentiana (18 - G)
 *Not pictured: Besim (14-B) and Enisi (16-B)

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