Thursday, October 18, 2012

English Class.

I realize more and more how much I love teaching. I love everything about it: making lesson plans, creating worksheets, grading papers, thinking of new and creative ways to teach information, seeing students learn. My favorite class to teach, by far, is my Thursday morning beginner's English. I have twenty-four students, ages 6-12. They are some of the most smart, precious, hard-working kids! Even on my worst days, my life lights up when I am in that classroom. I can most be myself with children and use my gifts in this culture. I wish I could teach that class everyday. It is my goal to make every child feel accepted and special. Even something as simple as calling a student by name or affirming their hard work can help them feel more cared for or encouraged. Every student of mine I believe God put in my path. And so in that small, small window I have every week, I cherish them. I will be an emotional basket case when I have to say good bye to them. But I can't think about that just yet....

My beginner's English class this morning

Learning the short sounds of the five vowels

Taking "Mr. G" up and around the "Vowel Ferris Wheel"

Our Thursday's Women's Group
(played Bingo today)

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