Monday, October 15, 2012

Good Weekend.

It was such a blessing to have my PRIME supervisor here to visit me! She was able to watch me teach English to the Roma, teach Sunday school, and visit the family with thirteen children. She also brought a care package from my mom (which included gifts from my grandma, sister, and boyfriend)! Loved that!

I think everything went well. I appreciated her input and "outside" viewpoint. That was much needed. What was even more needed was her encouragement. My spirit felt uplifted once more. I am so blessed to have such a professor that invests in my life and cares for the growth of my work here. Thank you, Lord. Pray that she has a safe trip home. She has a couple of long layovers and will go to a three day conference to speak the day after she gets back! So also pray for strength, rest, and encouragement.

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