Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Just some updates.

Somehow, the days are going by really slow but also really fast. I'm not sure how that happens. The past seven days have been so busy that I feel like things will never end but then I realized how fast they've gone by. I can't believe that my PRIME supervisor has already come and gone and that there are only two more weeks in October!
Today I had my two ballet classes, followed by coffee house. Tomorrow I have my beginners English class, "Women's Group" at Oaza, and our women's Book study in the evening. It's getting colder here and Rachel and I are going to invest in a space heater soon. Our landlord doesn't turn on the heat until middle or late November. We both get cold easily. I visited the family with thirteen children on Monday, specifically to deliver some medicine (and also to have my PRIME supervisor meet them). The baby, Denisi, is pretty ill. You can be praying for him. I was asked to help run a special day event at a local orphanage with some students from a Leadership class here in the city. The teacher knew that I loved to work with kids and thought that I would be interested in helping run the activities and songs. I'm super excited!!! We will visit the orphanage on the 27th of this month.
Second care package!
(Some things are missing because I already ate/used/opened them. Lol)
Thank you Mom, Jarred, Joanna, Grandma, and Rebekah!

Rush hour in Prishtina

Some of my little dancers in class tonight! (Group I)
(Several were absent due to illnesses)

More of my "little" dancers! (Group II)

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