Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Busy Week!

This week is going to be a busy one! My PRIME supervisor is coming to visit me this weekend! She'll observe me teaching the Roma on Saturday, teach Sunday school, and visit the family with thirteen children on Monday. This Sunday is also special for another reason. It's the first time we will have served the Lord's supper in over five months. For most people who come to church, this is the only access they have to partaking in this as a family of God. I pray that our hearts are prepared for coming to the Lord's table...

I went with my friend this morning to visit the family of thirteen children. She's such a good translator! I'm so glad I have her! We sat with Bahrije and got to know her and family better (know that I could understand what she was saying). Only three out of her thirteen children are in school. Four of them dropped out because of embarrassment or continuous bullying. There really is no hiding their poverty. Bahrije feels terrible that her children have to live in such poor conditions. Another child of hers, Donika (who is eight), isn't in school because "her brain isn't developed enough." The director of the school told them to wait another two years (when she's ten) to put her in school. She understands everything they say but she communicates improperly (inefficiently?) or they just don't understand her. I'm definitely not an expert as this, but I think she's autistic. I've had several people tell me here that most of Kosova is uninformed about autism and, as a result, they just think their child isn't "normal" and then keep them out of school. It's really unfortunate. I wish I was more educated about this and somehow I could help. One of the benefits of today was better being able to see and hear some of the ways I can better serve them. Thank you, Lord.

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