Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Getting Back to Normal Speed.

Life just got really busy again. My health is starting to get back to normal and with that comes the normal schedule,  plus the stuff I'm behind on.  I have so much to do between now and Friday morning. Rachel and I are taking a trip to Macedonia for the weekend and so we have to get everything done before we leave.
I don't know if I have mentioned this before, but I have been working on a "documentary" I want to put together when I get back. I want it to show highlights on the culture, people, and history here in Kosova. I have been interviewing people and getting footage around the city. I've been getting really excited about it! I interview two more people tomorrow. I'll find a friend from back at HU in the film department help me edit it. My hope is that I'll be able to show it to people at CP and other supporters.

This is a sad picture but I feel like it captures a part of this country. The Roma sit and beg for money all over. Some don't necessarily peg but will have a picture of a "family member" who is crippled or ill along with a piece of cardboard for people to throw money on. One of the situations that makes me especially sad is when the mothers will take their babies or little ones out on the streets with them. It adds an extra amount of sympathy. In this picture, you can see the child in her lap. But people still walk right on by. The Roma are the poorest of the poor here and are looked down upon by society because of their lack of cleanliness and education. I was hoping to give this hole in society a face. 

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