Wednesday, December 5, 2012


I have been trying to get a hold of a tutu for Friday so I can dance for my girls and their parents. I went to the theater downtown on Monday and had no success. I couldn't fully communicate to the man at the front desk because he didn't speak any English and the lady with him spoke little. They told me to come back on Tuesday at 10am to speak with the director of the theater. I did as they said and everything began to repeat itself. A new guy was working at the front desk and didn't speak any English either. He tried to find someone near who spoke English and had no luck. I called a friend of my mine to translate for me but by the time I explained the situation and gave the phone to him my battery died. I was starting to get frustrated at this point. He called her on his phone and was trying to understand exactly what I was asking for. But right then the director of the BALLET company walked by! He asked the director to come over to talk with me. He had with him one of his dancers who was fluent in English. It was perfect! They were so kind! The director took me upstairs and let go into the costume room (which was huge!) and pick out a tutu! Then he invited me to the companies personal coffee shop to have coffee with him and the company! It was crazy! We sat and talked about ballet and methods of dance and our favorite shows. Then they gave me four free tickets to see their performance on Thursday! Later, the director invited me to his office to show me pictures of when he was in the company and gave me a free book on the history of the Kosova Ballet Troupe. It felt like a dream! God is AMAZING!

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