Sunday, December 9, 2012

good byes = the worst

Last night was my official last time with the Roma family I've been teaching English to since the beginning of August. I have grow so close to them these past four and a half months. I asked the main family that has consistently come to classes out to eat. We went downtown, walked around, went out for dinner, and later had coffee and dessert. When I first showed up at their house to pick them up, I gave them their certificates and each a Christmas gift (one of which was the Book) and card. They also gave me a couple gifts. Once was a picture of us in a frame that said, "I love you." It was really hard to hold back the tears. Going out with them was a lot of fun. I was so glad that God provided the resources for me to take them out. It was something I wanted to do for a while. The end was definitely the hardest. We all cried. Magbule, the mom, didn't just cry but wept. It was such a hard moment. I will miss them greatly.

(left to right) Magbule, Gëzime, Shukri, me, and Allmire

On the walking street


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