Friday, December 7, 2012

Ballet Recital!

Wow. What an amazing night. Tonight was Oaza Community Center's very first ballet recital. It went so well! We had such a good turn out and everything ran smoothly. The girls did such an amazing job! Everyone worked so hard. I'm so proud of my little ballerinas. As a special treat to my girls and their parents, I danced to a song from The Nutcracker and wore the tutu I borrowed from the National Theater. I printed pictures for each girl of from our photo shoot and gave them their certificates along with a card, a ballet poster, and allowed them to keep their ballet clothes and shoes. They were so happy and grateful! I am so happy with the ten dedicated girls that stayed until the very end. Their parents were so proud of them! I got choked up toward the end like I thought I would. I have gotten so attached to these girls. I am so grieved that I will have to leave them in 9 days. I pray that God gives me the strength to get through this next major transition. Enjoy these great pictures! Wish you could have all been there! 
After getting their certificates

Their dance from Act II of The Nutcracker

They did such a great job!

Group picture :)

Arlinda and I










So precious....
Oh Lord, I am so blessed. Thank you, thank you, thank you for the privilege and honor of working with these beautiful girls for the past six months. It has been an amazing journey. May they draw near to Your heart one day.

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