Saturday, October 27, 2012

Getter Better! (plus Sunday School!)

I'm finally starting to see a light at the end of this "sickness tunnel." Thank you Lord! I'm keepin' it low though -- staying in bed and all. Today I had to go get some food and print copies for our Sunday school class tomorrow. So, I was able to get out a little bit...but it was cold, windy, and rainy. That probably wasn't such a good idea (lol). Fail.

The trip to the orphanage got canceled today because the house moms had plans to take the kids out for the day because of the holiday -- Bajram (apparently there's two of them). It's too bad; I was really looking forward to it. We have plans to visit them next month though. 

One area of our work that is growing each week is our Sunday school class. We are still only permitted to teach OT materials, but we try our best to apply good life applications and principles. We always have a story time, craft time, song time, and memory verse time. Last week 23 kids attended! Awesome! Our memory verse for this week is:

Dhe ja, unë jam me ty dhe do të të mbroj kudo që të vesh.
(I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go.)
Genesis 28:15
We decided that our memory verse for this next week will be a little more lengthy. Tomorrow we are going to learn about Jacob and how he had to work 14 years before we was able to marry Rachel. We'll touch on areas such as deceit and working hard for the things we love. Pray for Rachel and I as we lead the kids into this story. Pray that it won't just be a "story." 

Sunday school last week

Rachel telling the story of Jacob having a dream of
 angels moving up and down on a stairway to heaven

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