Wednesday, October 3, 2012

"Don't give up."

It's been hard to write on my blog lately. Not only have I been homesick, but I've had head aches (and sometimes migraines) every day for the past three weeks or so. They make my work much more difficult. I've also had a hard time sleeping at night, which makes me really tired during the day. My mind and body want to give up sometimes. I don't know if it's culture stress, team stress, "Joy stress," or homesickness stress. Who knows? Maybe it's all of them. Some days I would just love to get away for a little bit and clear my head. 

I was able to talk with my mom yesterday, which was much needed. Crying and talking with your mama can do wonders! (lol) Thank you, Lord, for moms!!! :)  I needed her encouragement and words of wisdom. I needed to hear someone say, "Joy, don't give up." Such simple yet powerful words.

Please continue to pray for my team. We need it. Pray for unity, mercy, healing, renewal, boldness, change, and sensitivity to the HS.

Tonight I have my two ballet classes, which I am praying go better than the last two weeks of kids and parents being upset about not getting into the class. I also have Coffee House with Rachel from 8-10PM.

Thank you for all your prayers and support. I could not have a better family in the Lord.

One of the "Thank You" cards that one my little dancers made for Fort Wayne Ballet

The sky was beautiful the other night!

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