Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Fall Schedule

We (my supervisor, the director of the community center, and myself) have been trying to put together my new schedule for the fall. I have been really anxious to know what classes I will be teaching and how I can better prepare for them. I've also been anxious to know because my supervisor from HU will coming to visit me for a few days in October. She will be coming to observe my work here and basically see how I'm doing. So, during our meeting yesterday some of my schedule for the fall was set in stone! I will be teaching  two ballet classes for girls (ages 6-12), a beginner English class for children (probably ages 7-11), two English classes with the Roma, Sunday school , and the weekly coffee house for university students! I'm particularly excited and blessed to be working with kids. Before I came here (and even after I first got here) I thought I would be mostly working with college students (which, I don't mind at all!) and I would rarely have time or opportunities to work with the little guys. But God has provided many avenues for me to be with children and use my gifts! I have a particular passion to work with kids. I will also continue with my language lessons two or three times a week and our Friday prayer walks.

 It's kind of crazy but Rachel and I both had it on our hearts (without telling each other) to have a women's Book study in our apartment. When I told her, she couldn't believe that she had been thinking and praying about the same thing! We believe that this is from God. We would like it to be a "mixed" group. There are a couple girls new to the faith and there are also others we would simply like to see come be a part of the discussion. This is will be an addition to my fall schedule. We haven't decided on a night just yet. Please be praying for how we should invite our friends and also that God would just bring the "right" ones. My birthday is this Saturday and I am planning on invited the majority of the girls to come over for some cake and a movie. This is an excellent time for the girls to meet each other and start developing relationships with one another. Please, please be praying for God's hand to be in all this.

These picture are kind of random but I wanted to share them with you. A group of people stood in the middle of the walking street with pictures of Syria and also Syrian flags, asking people to pray for the war that continues in the middle east. I also ask that you pray -- for healing and peace.




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