Monday, August 27, 2012

Birthday Fun

My birthday went so well! I was able to relax in the morning and have a little party in the evening! I had four of my Albanian girl friends come over, along with my roommate. We ordered a giant pizza, watched Pride and Prejudice, did our nails, and ate brownies and ice cream! It was their first time trying brownies and ranch dressing! (Not together of course!) The whole night was great! I set up the pink party decorations my mom sent me. She put in party favors for everyone -- little tiaras and colorful pens. We wore the tiaras and took lots of fun pictures.
I was really glad that the girls could meet each other in a fun setting. These are some of the girls that we want to invite to our Book study this fall. A lot of them don't know each other and we are trying to plan fun get-togethers for them to get acquainted with one another and hopefully begin new friendships.


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