Monday, June 11, 2012

First Week

Well, it's been a little over a week since I have arrived in Prishtina! One of my roommates (Hannah) just arrived from South Carolina. She will be here for two months. It feels so good to have someone else in the apartment! I am so blessed to have her here. We officially begin orientation tomorrow!

Overall, this past week went really well. Everything was pretty low-key. Getting over jet lag took a little while. Everytime I began to feel sleepy during the day I would get up and walk around the city. It definitely helped wake me up and it also helped me get to know the area better. There is a mosque kiddy corner from our apartment and they play their prayers over large speakers into the community five times a day. The first one goes off at sunrise, which sometimes ends up being at 4 AM. This took a little time to get used to but now I can sleep right through it. J

The Kosovars LOVE to go out and drink coffee. There are about ten or more coffee shops per block! They will go out with friends to drink coffee, smoke and talk for hours and hours. I was actually really happy to discover this. It was super exciting to find out that they love two of my favorite things: coffee and talking! :) Their coffee isn’t like the coffee back home. It’s basically  espresso and milk served in a cute, little tea cup. I love it!

I was able to connect with some college students this past week. An employee here that I work with has been introducing me to some students from his English classes. This was definitely the highlight of the week! I have already been able to make some wonderful friends! We have been meeting for coffee and they have been helping me with my Albanian, which is has been a HUGE help. One of my new friends invited me to go to her art exhibit this past Friday. Her paintings and sculptures were amazing! Everyone here has been so welcoming.

I begin my first ballet class this week! I am so excited. Registration begins tomorrow and the first class will be held on Thursday. The classroom is a little small so I’m thinking I’ll only be able to hold around seven or eight girls per class. Depending on how many girls sign up will determine how many classes I will have each week. For now, the classes will be for girls, ages eight to twelve. I’m a little nervous but also super excited! I’ve wanted to do this for a long time and now the Lord is finally opening the door for it to happen.

God, you are so good. Your blessings never end.

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