Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Day Two of Day Camp!

God is awesome sometimes, you know?

The kids have not only been learning the motions to "Light Will Shine" but also the lyrics! This was an awesome surprise today when I got together with each group and saw them singing along with me! I got a little choked up at one point. It's so powerful to see God's truth be sung on the lips of His children. I felt honored to be in that moment and realized that God is allowing me to be a part of His work here.

Just a little side note: I have a special prayer request for myself. My allergies and asthma have all a sudden been acting up. It has made it more difficult to be full of energy when working with the kids, specially when I have to take Benadryl. I haven't had any problems since I got here but just today I have had difficulty breathing and breaking out in hives. Please don't worry! It's not to the point of going to the doctor or anything like that. I would just love your prayers :) 

On top of singing songs, we played relay races today!

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