Monday, December 3, 2012

The Craziness Begins.

Everyday is just going to get busier and busier until I go home! I have been having extra rehearsals for my ballet class because their recital is this Friday. We are having two performances because the community center isn't big enough to fit everyone at the same time. I will be doing a small performance for the girls and their parents as well. I am trying to get a hold of a tutu through the local ballet company here and so far I haven't had any success. Please pray that God provides a way for me to make this performance extra special for my girls.

Tomorrow is my last English class with the Roma family. I will give out their certificates and throw a little party. We have been reading The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe and so we are going to watch it and eat "American popcorn" -- the nice, yummy, junky, microwave kind! I get to take them downtown and out to eat this Saturday as my special treat, which I am particularly excited about!

My English class at the community center was supposed to be over this Thursday but because I was sick last week and canceled, I am extending it another week. This Thursday is their big test and next week will be their little certificate party.

I officially have two Coffee Houses left, starting tomorrow night and one Sunday left. I can't hardly believe. In some way, I'm a little in denial and other ways I'm not. My major prayer right now is that I will get everything done I need to (especially in terms of papers I have to turn into HU) and still have time to spend with people. I am pretty nervous of this next major transition.

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