Friday, November 2, 2012

Possible Weekend Plans.

Rachel and I might be taking a trip to Macedonia this weekend. It's still up in the air though. I'm hoping we do. For one, this is one of the last times I'll probably be able to leave the country. My time is unfortunately running out and the weather is going to continue to get colder and colder. Also, we are hosting the team's Thanksgiving in our apartment and there are food supplies we don't have here in Kosovo that we can find in Macedonia. Another reason is sometimes it's just good to get away. There's something really refreshing about getting out of the country. There's a possibility that we might not go though. We might postpone it to next weekend.

The weather feels like it's dropped a lot, especially at night. It has felt so cold! Then I looked at the weather in Huntington and at least 10 degrees colder. Guess I can't complain! (lol) Our landlord finally turned our heat on. Almost all the homes and apartments here are heated by wood. My roommate is from Florida and she's really excited about snow coming. Ugh. Gross! I am definitely not a fan of snow! Hopefully the snow won't come for another month. We do a lot of walking and there's lots of hills all over the city. Snow and ice would make it that much more difficult to get around.

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