Thursday, September 6, 2012

Ballet Begins Once Again!

Yesterday was registration for my two ballet classes. The first class/registration time was at 4PM (for 6-9 year old girls) and the second class/registration was at 5PM (for 10-12 year old girls).This culture tends to be more laid back about time. Those of you who have lived over seas might relate to this. During day camp this summer, the majority of the kids didn't come until the third or fourth day. The best advertisement comes through word of mouth. I could put up flyers all day long, but until people start telling their friends, few will actually show up. Because life revolves more around who you know rather than what you know, a flyer only goes so far. I've been learning this the hard way. The turn out yesterday was good! It wasn't exactly how I had expected, but that's life! Over the summer about ten girls came to the first class but by the second class it had doubled! The word has already gotten around about the classes and next week we expect at least a dozen more. 

I passed out the leotards, shoes, and skirts at the registration. My plan was that they would sign up for the class, get sized, hear information about the class, take home their letter to their parents, and write a "Thank You" letter to Fort Wayne Ballet. That way, we could just start class right away next week. But my "mental clock" was back in America. Things take more time here. I probably should have waited another week to give the girls their things. But I was too excited!!! I'll have to take time next to go over the same procedure for the new girls. 

The girls that did come loved the shoes, leotards, and skirts! They all looked so cute! I put a big sheet over all the things we laid out on the ground. When they came I told them how generous Fort Wayne Ballet was and then I unveiled the surprise! They all smiled and appalled! Three of them were sisters. They have kind of a sad story. Their are four children in their family and their mom stayed at home with them (like most mothers do here). But one day their dad just got up and left. Their mom now works a full-time job and doesn't get to be with the kids very much. I'm so happy they get to be in my class and be blessed in a small way. 

Skirts, leotards, and shoes all lined up! 

Ballet slippers!

Macy looked soooo cute in her leotard and skirt! She loved it!

Me and some of my little dancers! 

The girls made cute little "Thank You" cards for Fort Wayne Ballet

Anida and I  :)

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