Friday, December 14, 2012

A little over 24 hours...

Hey Friends,

I officially have a little over 24 hours in Kosovo. Please pray that I have safe travels and the strength to say some of the most important good byes. I have a lot to accomplish tomorrow and hoping I get all of it done. It's been a long, good week. All my classes are done. Nothing feels real yet. I will be back in Indiana Sunday night! Thank you all for reading my blos posts all these months! I am truly grateful!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Surprise Going Away Party!

Oh my goodness! Rachel and Esther threw me a surprise "Going Away" party tonight at Coffee House tonight! I couldn't believe it! They had a cake made with a picture of me and my ballet girls on it, a poster (with a drawing of me as a ballerina) with a little note from everyone, and decorations everywhere! Some even brought presents. Over 40 people came! Florim (a friend and member of our team) gave a speech about how blessed everyone was that I came to Kosovo and for everything I've done the past six and a half months. I cried and cried. Then, they wanted ME to give a speech! I definitely wasn't prepared. I told them a little about my journey and how God brought me to Kosovo. I couldn't stop crying! I told them how truly blessed I was to have known them and how sad I am to leave. Everyone, throughout the night, came and got pictures with me and begged me to come back to Kosovo in the future. I was so touched. I have so many pictures of tonight but I can only fit so many. I cannot tell you how incredibly blessed I feel tonight! I will never forget this amazing journey!
God is so good! 



Sunday, December 9, 2012

good byes = the worst

Last night was my official last time with the Roma family I've been teaching English to since the beginning of August. I have grow so close to them these past four and a half months. I asked the main family that has consistently come to classes out to eat. We went downtown, walked around, went out for dinner, and later had coffee and dessert. When I first showed up at their house to pick them up, I gave them their certificates and each a Christmas gift (one of which was the Book) and card. They also gave me a couple gifts. Once was a picture of us in a frame that said, "I love you." It was really hard to hold back the tears. Going out with them was a lot of fun. I was so glad that God provided the resources for me to take them out. It was something I wanted to do for a while. The end was definitely the hardest. We all cried. Magbule, the mom, didn't just cry but wept. It was such a hard moment. I will miss them greatly.

(left to right) Magbule, Gëzime, Shukri, me, and Allmire

On the walking street


Friday, December 7, 2012

Ballet Recital!

Wow. What an amazing night. Tonight was Oaza Community Center's very first ballet recital. It went so well! We had such a good turn out and everything ran smoothly. The girls did such an amazing job! Everyone worked so hard. I'm so proud of my little ballerinas. As a special treat to my girls and their parents, I danced to a song from The Nutcracker and wore the tutu I borrowed from the National Theater. I printed pictures for each girl of from our photo shoot and gave them their certificates along with a card, a ballet poster, and allowed them to keep their ballet clothes and shoes. They were so happy and grateful! I am so happy with the ten dedicated girls that stayed until the very end. Their parents were so proud of them! I got choked up toward the end like I thought I would. I have gotten so attached to these girls. I am so grieved that I will have to leave them in 9 days. I pray that God gives me the strength to get through this next major transition. Enjoy these great pictures! Wish you could have all been there! 
After getting their certificates

Their dance from Act II of The Nutcracker

They did such a great job!

Group picture :)

Arlinda and I










So precious....
Oh Lord, I am so blessed. Thank you, thank you, thank you for the privilege and honor of working with these beautiful girls for the past six months. It has been an amazing journey. May they draw near to Your heart one day.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


I have been trying to get a hold of a tutu for Friday so I can dance for my girls and their parents. I went to the theater downtown on Monday and had no success. I couldn't fully communicate to the man at the front desk because he didn't speak any English and the lady with him spoke little. They told me to come back on Tuesday at 10am to speak with the director of the theater. I did as they said and everything began to repeat itself. A new guy was working at the front desk and didn't speak any English either. He tried to find someone near who spoke English and had no luck. I called a friend of my mine to translate for me but by the time I explained the situation and gave the phone to him my battery died. I was starting to get frustrated at this point. He called her on his phone and was trying to understand exactly what I was asking for. But right then the director of the BALLET company walked by! He asked the director to come over to talk with me. He had with him one of his dancers who was fluent in English. It was perfect! They were so kind! The director took me upstairs and let go into the costume room (which was huge!) and pick out a tutu! Then he invited me to the companies personal coffee shop to have coffee with him and the company! It was crazy! We sat and talked about ballet and methods of dance and our favorite shows. Then they gave me four free tickets to see their performance on Thursday! Later, the director invited me to his office to show me pictures of when he was in the company and gave me a free book on the history of the Kosova Ballet Troupe. It felt like a dream! God is AMAZING!

Monday, December 3, 2012

The Craziness Begins.

Everyday is just going to get busier and busier until I go home! I have been having extra rehearsals for my ballet class because their recital is this Friday. We are having two performances because the community center isn't big enough to fit everyone at the same time. I will be doing a small performance for the girls and their parents as well. I am trying to get a hold of a tutu through the local ballet company here and so far I haven't had any success. Please pray that God provides a way for me to make this performance extra special for my girls.

Tomorrow is my last English class with the Roma family. I will give out their certificates and throw a little party. We have been reading The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe and so we are going to watch it and eat "American popcorn" -- the nice, yummy, junky, microwave kind! I get to take them downtown and out to eat this Saturday as my special treat, which I am particularly excited about!

My English class at the community center was supposed to be over this Thursday but because I was sick last week and canceled, I am extending it another week. This Thursday is their big test and next week will be their little certificate party.

I officially have two Coffee Houses left, starting tomorrow night and one Sunday left. I can't hardly believe. In some way, I'm a little in denial and other ways I'm not. My major prayer right now is that I will get everything done I need to (especially in terms of papers I have to turn into HU) and still have time to spend with people. I am pretty nervous of this next major transition.

Friday, November 30, 2012

A "Thank You"

I made a "Thank you" note last week in light of Thanksgiving that will be in the College Park bulletin Sunday. I wanted to share it with you a little and have it up especially for those who don't go to College Park. This isn't just for my College Park family but for everyone who has supported me in this amazing journey! Thank you. I am eternally grateful.


College Park Family,

As I reflect on my time here in Kosovo, I am so grateful for the Lord’s provision. In too many ways to count, He has provided for me in every way, with every need. When I was struggling to adjust and fit in the Albanian culture, He provided me with someone who has walked these roads many times and was there to sympathize and give advice. Little by little He has moved me closer to successfully living in Prishtina and it feeling more and more like home. When I was lonely, He always gave me a friend I could be open with and freely express myself. When I prayed for opportunities to share, He opened the doors at the most perfect times and gave me the words to speak. When I was financially worried, He gave me friends and family with the most giving hearts. When I was overwhelmed, He helped me live moment by moment. And I know that as I begin to wrap up my time here and know that I will have to adjust back into my home culture, He will once more faithfully provide. Oh how great is our God!

 It has never been my timing, my plans, my lessons, my relationships, or my job. And for this, I am grateful! Praise the Lord that He uses us but not our own plans!

College Park, I am grateful for you. You have always been there for me. Your letters and emails of encouragement have kept me going. Your prayers have been of more encouragement than you will ever know. Without your financial giving this trip would have never happened. During this Thanksgiving weekend I have been reflecting on how truly blessed I am by you.

Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good!

I look forward to seeing all of you in just a few short weeks!

In God's Love,


Monday, November 26, 2012


Well, the Thanksgiving weekend has ended. For Rachel and I, it was an extremely busy four days. We hosted two Thanksgiving meals in our apartment, one of which we did all the cooking. One was held on Thursday, where we invited friends and students of ours to come over for a traditional, American Thanksgiving meal. For almost all of them this was their very first Thanksgiving experience. Tom, a fellow employee of ours, shared with the group why we celebrate Thanksgiving, what some of the traditions are, and had everyone share one thing they were thankful for. It was a lot of fun! It wasn't exactly the same as Thanksgiving back home though. Albanian girls tend to eat very little. I've seen couples at restaurants where the man has a plate full of food and the girl doesn't eat anything. I'm used to seeing everyone, both guys and girls, stuff their face on Thanksgiving! :) I kind of felt like man, as I sat there with piles of everything on my plate. Yum, yum!!!
Our second Thanksgiving meal was with our team on Saturday. A couple of them came from two different countries. This second round wasn't as stressful as the first because everyone pitched in and therefore we didn't have to cook everything. We all had a good time! I ate way too much once again.
Rachel cooked her very first, homemade pie and I made my very first homemade sweet potato casserole. They both turned out super good!!! After spending all that time cooking, cleaning, and preparing, Rachel and I have a much greater appreciation for our mothers and grandmothers! We now view them as super women! How they've done this all these years we will never know...
Rachel's first pie!

Table setting. We had to fit at least 14 people both meals.

Tom talking to our guests about why we celebrate Thanksgiving and then going around the room to say one thing everyone was thankful for.

 All the guys on one side....

....and all the girls on the other side (very much a part of the Albanian culture).

(Left to right) Ardita, me, and "Katy"

Turkey for our team Thanksgiving meal



(Left to right) Violeta, Sundim, Luta, and Fatima

Me and Rachel :)