Wednesday, May 30, 2012

My Journey Begins

Well, just said my "good byes" to my family. This is never something I enjoy. These past few remaining days at home I have been especially thanking the Lord for the time He has given me with friends and family. I am beyond blessed. There are no words for how much I will miss my family. It's crazy to think about the fact that the next time I will see them will be the week before Christmas.

 I'm now sitting in the airport waiting for my delayed flight. I am so excited for this next major chapter of my life. God is good.

Friday, May 25, 2012

First Blog Ever!

This is the first time I have ever had a blog! I'm super excited to share all that God will be doing in Kosovo! I'll try to keep you posted as much as I can. I'll also try to put up pictures whenever possible! Continue to keep me in your prayers, as well as my team and the people we will be working with! God is good!